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What are the benefits of an inflatable punching bag like the pole pad?
With inflatable technology, we can offer innovative solutions that meet our customers' needs.
This inflatable punching bag lets you work on your boxing technique from anywhere (at home, when travelling, etc.).
The pole pad can be inflated with the carry case or a pump and deflated after you're done training. The compact design makes it easy to store away.
Want to use it when travelling? Wrap it around a pole, a tree, a wall, etc.
How do you inflate the inflatable pole pad?
To inflate your pole pad, you can connect the tube between the carry bag and the pad. Press the bag gently to transfer the air into the pole pad. Repeat four times to inflate the pad properly.
Do not use an air compressor to inflate this product. It could overinflate the pole pad and damage the membrane.
You can also use a foot or hand pump to inflate the pole pad.
How do you train with the pole pad?
Always wear wraps, inner gloves or boxing gloves when using your pole pad.
Otherwise, you could get injured (friction burns, other injuries to the hands).
Installation support
Can be installed around a tree, post, or wall with the following dimensions:
Minimum diameter 12.7 cm --- Maximum diameter 21 cm
Minimum circumference 40 cm --- Maximum circumference 65 cm