Eco-design consists of incorporating a product's environmental impact into its design from the very beginning, taking into account the product's entire life cycle. Incorporating environmental impact, means minimising the impact our products have on the environment, starting with their design. A product that is designed (or redesigned) within an environmentally-conscious framework is a product that performs the same functions while also providing environmental benefits.

This is how!


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We are passionate about more than just sports at Decathlon. Sustainability is something that we take very seriously when looking at our business practices, stores and more importantly the many products that we sell each day. We make effective and positive changes to ensure our products are not only environmentally conscious, but long lasting and repairable too. To find out more about how our products have an environmental advantage with Eco Design, read the article below.

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The use of recycled cotton is the best solution because it does not require the production of new cotton fibres. However, this is only possible up to a maximum of 30 to 40%, because the recycled fibres are shorter and must be combined with new cotton.


Dyeing textiles requires lots of water but also leads to lots of water waste generated in dyeing vats. To reduce this environmental impact, we choose solution dyeing, which integrates colour pigments when manufacturing the thread.


The Bi-ton is a technology that lets you dye one out of two threads. Dyeing has an environmental impact linked to water (consumption & pollution). There are dyes that are respectful of the environment.


By recycling [plastic bottles or part of recycled textiles] to produce our polyester, we are reducing the use of oil-based resources whilst preserving the fabric's breathability features when doing sport.


1 - Raw Materials: Extraction and processing
2 - Production: Manufacturing techniques
3 - Transportation: From where is it made to where it is sold
4 - Retail: Place and method of sale
5 - Use: How it is used, cleaned and maintained
6 - End of life: Repair, recycling, destruction